temperate adj. 1.有节制的,节欲的;适中的,不过分的,稳健的。 2.节酒的,戒酒的。 3.(气候等)温和的。 a man of temperate habits 有节制的人。 a temperate statement 稳健的说明。 the north temperate zone 北温带。 adv. -ly ,-ness n.
Temperate forest ecosystems occupy a position of prominence among all ecosystems . 温带森林生态系统在所有生态系统中占有优势地位。
Fires of natural origin have historically been extremely common throughout the temperate forests . 在温带森林中,天然发生的火灾一向是非常普遍的。
The most common region types are : coastline , cold forest , temperate forest , hills , lakes , mountains , and plains 通常这些地形种类为:海岸、冻林、森林、丘陵、湖泊、高山、平原。
Situated in the mountains of northern honshu , this trackless site includes the last virgin remains of the cool - temperate forest of siebold ' s beech trees that once covered the hills and mountain slopes of northern japan 白神山地位于北本州的群山中,该地区人迹罕至,保留了最后一个未被开发的寒带西博尔德毛榉树森林遗迹,西博尔德毛榉树曾经分布很广,几乎覆盖日本北部的所有丘陵和山坡。
Meanwhile , right at the other end of this amazing land of contrast , cool temperate forests dramatically give way to pristine snow capped mountains , and a land of dwindling hill tribes and rare and exotic wildlife 然而,与这神秘莫测的南部风情相比照,缅甸北部的低温原始森林又将是另一部景象,那一座座白雪覆盖的山群日趋稀少的高山部落族人和罕见的野生动植物都将会赋予您一种神话般的奇妙感觉。
The result of analysis shows that the climate of the period during which these strata were formed was mainly dry and cold , and the pollen of herbs is predominant . in the later part of this period the temperature and humidity increased a little , especially between the two cultural layers there was a short but clear section of wet and warm climate and a temperate forest steppe landscape existed 古环境分析表明,文化层出现前后的这一段时期,一直以干冷气候为主,草本花粉占绝对优势,中后期温湿度有所增加,尤其上下文化层之间曾有一个短暂而明显的较为温湿的时期,出现了温带森林草原景观。